Best Stable Diffusion Models in 2023


What is a Stable Diffusion Model?

To explain it simply, Stable Diffusion models allow you to take control over the style of your image generations. Using a model that was trained specifically on real-life images will produce realistic results, such as a photorealistic portrait. On the other hand, using a model trained on watercolor illustrations will give you an image that looks like it was painted in the same style.

Users are creating, mixing, and coming up with new models every day. With training becoming easier and faster, it doesn't take long for a model to pick up the intricate details and nuances of a style. This opens up the possibility to train models for very specific styles and purposes.

What’s the Difference Between CKPT and SafeTensor?

Model data files are used to save the information learned by a machine learning model. There are two types of model data files: .ckpt and .safetensor. These files contain the same information, but .safetensor files are considered to be safer because they do not use the pickle module.

While both types of model data files use the same data sets to generate images, .safetensor files are a safer option due to the vulnerabilities associated with the pickle module in .ckpt files.

Best Stable Diffusion Models for Creating Stunning Images

There are thousands of Stable Diffusion models available. Many of them are special-purpose models designed to generate a particular style.

We've compiled the 9 best Stable Diffusion models you can use to generate stunning images in a variety of styles. Whether you're looking to get photorealistic results or going for the illustration look, these models will help you get the job done.

1. Stable diffusion v1.5

v1.5 is released in Oct 2022 by Runway ML, a partner of Stability AI. The model is based on v1.2 with further training. It produces slightly different results compared to v1.4 but it is unclear if they are better.

Like v1.4, you can treat v1.5 as a general-purpose model. In my experience, v1.5 is a fine choice as the initial model and can be used interchangeably with v1.4.

Stable Diffusion 1.5 prompt sample

2. F222

F222 is trained originally for generating nudes, but people found it helpful in generating beautiful female portraits with correct body part relations. Interestingly, contrary to what you might think, it’s quite good at generating aesthetically pleasing clothing.

F222 is good for portraits. It has a high tendency to generate nudes. Include wardrobe terms like “dress” and “jeans” in the prompt.

Stable Diffusion F222 sample

3. Anything V3

Anything V3 is a special-purpose model trained to produce high-quality anime-style images. You can use danbooru tags (like 1girl, white hair) in the text prompt.

It’s useful for casting celebrities to amine style, which can then be blended seamlessly with illustrative elements.

Stable Diffusion Anything V3 sample

4. DreamShaper

Dreamshaper model is fine-tuned for a portrait illustration style that sits between photorealistic and computer graphics. It’s easy to use and you will like it if you like this style.

This model is recommended for anyone looking to create illustrations with their AI models. Also, you can use various settings to make sure the results look more like digital art pieces. We recommend trying out different step counts and prompt engineering techniques with this model to get the best results.

Stable Diffusion DreamShaper sample

5. CyberRealistic

CyberRealistic is extremely versatile in the people it can generate. It's very responsive to adjustments in physical characteristics, clothing and environment. It is quite good at famous people.

One of the model's key strengths lies in its ability to effectively process textual inversions and LORA, providing accurate and detailed outputs. Additionally, the model requires minimal prompts, making it incredibly user-friendly and accessible.

Stable Diffusion CyberRealistic sample

6. Realistic Vision v2

Realistic Vision v2 is for generating anything realistic. The model was able to produce a realistic portrait of a woman that fits our prompt almost perfectly. On the other hand, the landscape is stunning and captures the natural beauty of the scene with great accuracy. Finally, the illustration shows off Realistic Vision's ability to pick up on details and nuances of digital art.

We recommend this model to anyone looking to produce photorealistic images with AI. Keep in mind that with Photorealism model used for both celebrities and original characters. Quite versatile in the types of people you can get.

Stable Diffusion Realistic Vision v2 sample

7. Protogen v2.2 (Anime)

Protogen v2.2 is classy. It generates illustration and anime-style images with good taste. Unlike most other models on our list, this one is focused more on creating believable people than landscapes or abstract illustrations.

What makes Protogen so fascinating is its utilization of Granular Adaptive Learning, a machine-learning strategy that focuses on fine-tuning the lesson rather than making sweeping adjustments to the model. This approach enables the model to be modified in order to accommodate specific features or patterns within data, without relying heavily on general trends.

Stable Diffusion Protogen v2.2 (Anime) sample

8. AbyssOrangeMix3 (AOM3)

AbyssOrangeMix3 is a wonderful model for illustrations. The model is quite stylized, as seen in our examples. Even with minimal prompting, the model came up with interesting images with intricate details, like the hat on the portrait, or the ice cubes and lime slice in our illustration.

We recommend this model to anyone looking for something less realistic illustration style with a heavy stylization that leans toward a Japanese style. With minor tweaks and a fitting VAE, you'll be able to bring all of your ideas to life.

Stable Diffusion AbyssOrangeMix3 sample

9. GhostMix

GhostMix is trained with Ghost in the Shell style, a classic anime in the 90s. You will find it useful for generating cyborgs and robots.

The landscape produced by GhostMix is truly stunning, showcasing an array of captivating shapes and textures that breathe life into the image. Overall, GhostMix is an exceptional option for those seeking an AI model capable of crafting intricate illustrations adorned with realistic elements.

Stable Diffusion GhostMix sample

How to Install a Stable Diffusion Model

Installing your chosen Stable Diffusion model is relatively simple and can be done in a few simple steps.

1. Download the model from its source repository. Depending on which platform you’re using, this step may vary slightly.

2. Once downloaded, navigate to your Stable Diffusion folder, and place the .ckpt or .safetensors file in the "models" > "Stable-diffusion" folder.

That's it! Your model should now be ready to use. Simply launch it and enjoy the amazing results!


Stable Diffusion is a powerful tool for creating AI-generated images. With its wide variety of models, you can create anything from abstract art to photo-realistic landscapes with ease. Whether you're looking for vintage-style art or something more contemporary, Stable Diffusion has something for everyone.

We hope this article has given you an idea of what's possible with the platform and that it helps you find the perfect model for your project. Happy exploring!